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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Math for Artists, Exercises & Tests on Space and Time

Math. Not exactly most artists' strong suit and certainly not mine. However it is vital that an artist have at least a rudimentary grasp of a few mathematical concepts to be productive, thrifty and make reasonable decisions.

Measuring. Starting here for students who are unfamiliar with measuring on a ruler or with fractions.
Tape measure

Standard/ Imperial/ English Measurement

  1. The ruler game. Read the information prior to taking the test   (start with whole numbers then work down to the 16th's as you figure it out)
  2. Good walk through based on increments
  3. Measuring with rulers worksheet
Wood Inch Ruler

Metric and Standard

  1. Metric and Imperial Standard worksheet



Actual pre-employment test (contains a few other mathematical problems)

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