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Ultimately I want to be able to assist you in your development, so if there is something you want to know more about, I will try to guide you in the right direction.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

CPALMS formerly Sunshine State Standards for the Visual Arts

Grade: 912

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Math for Artists, Exercises & Tests on Space and Time

Math. Not exactly most artists' strong suit and certainly not mine. However it is vital that an artist have at least a rudimentary grasp of a few mathematical concepts to be productive, thrifty and make reasonable decisions.

Measuring. Starting here for students who are unfamiliar with measuring on a ruler or with fractions.
Tape measure

Standard/ Imperial/ English Measurement

  1. The ruler game. Read the information prior to taking the test   (start with whole numbers then work down to the 16th's as you figure it out)
  2. Good walk through based on increments
  3. Measuring with rulers worksheet
Wood Inch Ruler

Metric and Standard

  1. Metric and Imperial Standard worksheet



Actual pre-employment test (contains a few other mathematical problems)

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Lifeguard Shacks

shutterstock image pictured above

I was spurred onto a design challenge for HS students to design a lifeguard tower. After learning that there had been a competition in Miami in 2001 for the bienale it seemed like if was good enough for Michael Graves, it was probably a good idea.

Obviously it is still in the formulative stage so this will be a sloppy posting of links haphazardly placed to remind of reconstruct where the idea is/was whatever.

Miami Beach Lifeguard tower history
wiki article
pinterest pics.

Super sweet photographs from a photographer with a plan.

Interesting rendering of a lifeguard tower proposal

Monday, February 10, 2014

Asia, Automation and Abundance


Outstanding. Much appreciation to the site for hosting this work of Edward Burtynsky. 

If you haven't thought about what the abundance of goods means in reality (or virtual). here you go. A type of koyaanisqatsi of manufacturing. 


on that note, Adam Maygyar has produced a few amazing works that also capture a view of life in a manner similar to Koyaanisquatsi but with time being sloooowed. to see it as it is in a particular moment (s). 


I recommend "Stainless"

here it is on Vimeo. Excellent!

Vocabulary from this Chapter


inchoate: beginning, formulative

outsourcing: goods or services procured from an outside source

sequential: arranged in particular order

aesthetic: beautiful, pleasing appearance

Left: hemisphere known for logic

Right: hemisphere for holistic insight

tacit: implied without words or speech

imperative: not to be avoided or ignored

Research on propaganda

Research on propaganda. Information is in a formulative state and meant to illustrate a point of the value of the image. By no means do I condone it's use for any side(s), I am simply trying to find an effective way explain how it is used and it's very simple formula.

Exercise 1
Watch video #1. Ideally the title would not be shown to allow the viewer as little contextual clues as possible.
Please turn off sound and watch until :35


A. Compile a list of imagery used
B. Compile the connotations of the imagery
C. Identify the people in the ad.
D. Attempt to discern who the ad is for- who is the "target" audience?
E. Write one sentence to sum up what you think is the message or meaning of the ad.
F. Watch the remainder of the ad.
G. Read the following excerpt from the reading/link.

The majority of people did not care for the new art which many resented as elitist, morally suspect and too often incomprehensible.

Instead, the the model was to be classical Greek and Roman art, an art whose exterior form embodied ideal of "perfection" It was, furthermore, to be comprehensible to the average man. This art was to be both heroic and romantic. 

Values of _____purity, militarism, and obedience.Other popular themes were people at work in the fields, a return to the simple virtues of love of homeland, masculinity (interpretation), and the lauding of the female activities of child bearing and raising symbolized by the phrase children, kitchen, church...[1]

Personally the most sobering observation on propaganda is supplied from the source. 

"Propaganda must always address itself to the broad masses of the people. (...) All propaganda must be presented in a popular form and must fix its intellectual level so as not to be above the heads of the least intellectual of those to whom it is directed. (...) The art of propaganda consists precisely in being able to awaken the imagination of the public through an appeal to their feelings, in finding the appropriate psychological form that will arrest the attention and appeal to the hearts of the national masses. The broad masses of the people are not made up of diplomats or professors of public jurisprudence nor simply of persons who are able to form reasoned judgment in given cases, but a vacillating crowd of human children who are constantly wavering between one idea and another. (...) The great majority of a nation is so feminine in its character and outlook that its thought and conduct are ruled by sentiment rather than by sober reasoning. This sentiment, however, is not complex, but simple and consistent. It is not highly differentiated, but has only the negative and positive notions of love and hatred, right and wrong, truth and falsehood."[2]

What is the benefit of creators for offering only two solutions?
Homework, make a list of 10 very important things that (to you) have only two solutions. 
Make a list of 10 things that others want you to think there are only 2 solutions to. 
In the grand scheme of your life, not a fictitious or idealized version of your life, what do you see as "yes or no, right or wrong" decisions. 
Are any of those situation? Conditional? 
Which side of the mind would want to see life presented in this way?
Why does one side of the mind desire to see things so?
What is truth? Elusive. What of the other values?
What are some of the effects of strictly right or left brain thought? 
Should one question their emotional response? If so or if not, when and why
Ultimately, someone is trying to influence you. What are things you can do to protect yourself?
List 5. 

Exercise 2

1. Once again. turn off the volume and simply watch. 

2. Make a similar list of observations to the above. 
3. What does Clint Eastwood mean to you as a person, as an actor. Which do you see him as?
How doe the advertiser want you to see him?
4. What is the function of this ad? Does it work?
Watch again with volume on and listen to what is spoken. 

5. The ad was from two years ago. What would you title this ad. 
6. Bottom line, is it selling you, the viewer as a "winner" or "loser"? It is only offering two options. 
7. Read some of the comments and ask yourself if the viewers are passionate about their response? 
8 . How many of them are reasoned arguments?
9. How strong was the narrative, the "story"
10. The author, Daniel Pink has mentioned the 3 "A's" Is there anything in this ad that tends to address this?
11. Is it asking you to "change", if so, why or why not?
12. Please follow the link http://quizlet.com/5435505/flashcards
Go through the exercises and take the quiz at the end. 

follow this exercise. 
and this one 

and finally, what started this all, the quote: 

"Vice-Chairman Bob Lutz commented that, “We are in the arts and entertainment business, and we’re putting a huge emphasis on world-class design… Art, entertainment and mobile sculpture, which, coincidentally, also happens to provide transportation.”

Bob Dylan, music Icon does a commercial for Chrysler. 
Owned by Italian company, Fiat.