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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Neuroscience for students - Models a retinal image

Neuroscience for Kids - Models: "Model a Retinal Image

The brain has a tough job. It is works all the time and the eye has to make things difficult. The convex nature of the lens of the eye turns an image upside down on the retina. The brain must make sense of this and turn it 'right-side up'. To model what a convex lens does to an image, get a magnifying glass. Find a white wall or tape a white piece of paper to a wall that faces a window. Hold the magnifying glass close (3 in; 10 cm) to the white wall or paper. You should see an inverted image of whatever is outside of the window. This is what is projected onto your retina.
Magnifying glass
White Wall or Paper and tape"

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