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Ultimately I want to be able to assist you in your development, so if there is something you want to know more about, I will try to guide you in the right direction.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Image of Beauty

Here is a very interesting video from Dove (the soap) that was referred to me by a former student. The videos' content is awareness of our current concept of beauty. The techniques used are well within the realm of graphic designers, photographers, make up artists, digital designers, art directors, and producers who's job is to produce images which portray products in a positive manner.

What seems to be lost in all of this to the average consumer and youth is the amount of effort needed to create an "Ideal Image". To the uninformed it must seem as if there are these perfectly formed people all around us. And most importantly when we measure ourselves up to these images we always seem to be lacking. This ensures that there will always be a perceived need for their products.

Food for thought for all of us  "average people".

Thank you to Alissa Rakotz for alerting me to this video.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Neuroscience for students - Models a retinal image

Neuroscience for Kids - Models: "Model a Retinal Image

The brain has a tough job. It is works all the time and the eye has to make things difficult. The convex nature of the lens of the eye turns an image upside down on the retina. The brain must make sense of this and turn it 'right-side up'. To model what a convex lens does to an image, get a magnifying glass. Find a white wall or tape a white piece of paper to a wall that faces a window. Hold the magnifying glass close (3 in; 10 cm) to the white wall or paper. You should see an inverted image of whatever is outside of the window. This is what is projected onto your retina.
Magnifying glass
White Wall or Paper and tape"

Sunday, July 4, 2010

AP Art information for the summer 2011

Hey Students! For many of you, this is old news.
It is here so if you need a reference, here it is!

Be safe. Do good works.

I am looking forward to preparing all of you for your AP portfolios this summer! Seriously.
Below are the dates and times will begin @9:00 am and go until 12:00am. Most college classes are 3 hours long so I might as well prepare you now.
June 28, 29
August 8
I’d like to have the students attend at least 2 meetings.I will understand if you can't make one, but I ask that you e-mail me so I won't have to drive 4 hours to get to Ridge (yep- 2 hours there and 2 hours back) for absent students additionally if we have to cancel a class, I would like to inform the other students prior to their coming up to Ridge. It is for consideration.
Prior to our first class I have the following homework: Know your AP requirements.
You can find them on this link.

this is the link for digital submissions, this year students are expected to be able to upload all materials.


I request you open a picasa account to upload images to, that way I can see the work that you are doing in a more efficient manner. This should correct a few bugs on my end.and allow me to give you better feedback.
Please save this page for your records.
Please remind anyone enrolled in AP Art to email me with their email address.